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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Baean's sons were trapping, catching, & ambushing people on the highways 1 mac 5.4


Wars with neighboring peoples

1 When the Gentiles living nearby learned that the altar had been rebuilt and the sanctuary had been dedicated just as it was before, they became very angry.
2 They sought to wipe out Jacob's descendants who lived among them. So they started to kill and destroy the people.
3 But Judas waged war on the descendants of Esau in Idumea at Akrabattene because they kept ambushing Israelites. He dealt them a heavy blow, humbling them and taking their goods.  
 He also took note of the wickedness of Baean's sons, who were trapping, catching, and ambushing people on the highways.
5 Judas shut them up in their towers. He camped against them, and by promising their complete destruction, he burned their towers and all who were in them.
6 Then he moved against the Ammonites. He found a strong group with many people and a man named Timothy as their leader.
7 Judas had many battles with them, beat them severely, and struck them down.
8 He also captured Jazer and its villages. Then he went back to Judea.

  • 39 They have also hired Arabs to help them. They're camped across the stream, and they're ready to come and fight against you." So Judas went out to meet them. 


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