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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

court docket links oppostion lawfirms


   Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas No 2019-02069
Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas No 7479-2015
Superior Court of Pennsylvania 1615 MDA 2017
United States District Court for the Middle District 318-cv-01483

the lawyer for wilkes barre general hosptial is
the lawyer for the diocese of scranton is



good morning happy hanukkah and all that jazz

i was in it to win it
gun obtained under duress of soon to be homeless

from my Point of View POV, i was about to be made homeless with a 5 year old
for momming, that was the only "crime" i committed and somebody wanted to take my 4th right of personal property away.

from my POV i was about to be made homeless by bad people,
by NAZIS who didnt want moms to own property
by NAZIS engaged in a war....on drugs and people who use drugs
by bad people, who violate childrens rights with circumcision & vaccines

i obtained a firearm, from a kid who didnt want it. but wanted money
he coulda sold it to a bad person. i prevented that imo
(by outbidding the bad people,)

i obtained a firearm, under duress, of loosing my home
and great fear that nazi bad people existed in this town
when i thought i was safe 

i obtained a firearm,.....with a plan to WIN
the battle for my 4th amendment right to own property as a mom

the firearm was NOT my first choice weapon just saying
federal civil rights complaint 3.18 cv. 01483
and countless court filings with the prothonatary

Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas
No 2019-02069
Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas
No 7479-2015
Superior Court of Pennsylvania
1615 MDA 2017
United States District Court for the Middle District 318-cv-01483

but you cant negotiate with terrorist. hence last option, was firepower

now i never obtained ammo 
foreclusre was scheduled for AUG 2019
and the gun was stolen by stephen in APRIL 2019

I WAS TRYING TO WIN, to DEFEAT bad people,....not register weapons with them at that time

i was SCARED, if they knew i had a gun they woulda shot me that day, ( i assumed)
cops be shooting, js. 
i didnt want to die, i wanted to WIN

i wanted to not be homeless to stand my ground against all enemies in uniform 

but as you know it didnt work out that way
the sherrif fought dirty, and didnt allow a fight on foreclosure day
he came a week early and locked me up in first hospital then locked me out of my house
i came out of the hospital homeless
and couch serfing began
where both me and my family we exposed to covid

where we are still suffering.



Objection to Writ of Possession of 258 Frederick Street Kingston, PA 18704
Notice of Riot Scheduled 08/21/2019 at 10am called Ejectment
Request for EMERGENCY Temporary Restraining order TRO

This message is coming to you in a time of a declared National Emergency and Humanitarian Crisis. 
Vaccination to get into school is called Hazing. Vaccination works as intended to reduce population. 
Other than 8th day circumcision is not thier religion. Its not their body, not their choice, not their religion, 
not their option of an elective surgery. It was not medically necessary insurance fraudulent abuse.  Our nation is in a crisis

1. Moms have been demanding equal protections from the US government.
2. ISO Equal protections, security, insurance for mom, so she can pay the bill and other debt
3. Moms do not have equal protects, we are not treated the same as other workers.  
4. The regime oppresses mom from money and pays strangers to handle our children.
5. long train of usurpations and abuses against women and women who mom
6. I have alleged in federal court 318cv01483 that you cannot discriminate against mom, just because she is mom, its unlawful discrimination. 
7. You have threatened my family with an ICE like raid on 08/21/2019 on 10am called ejectment as a result of the oppression of mom you choose to run.
13 Your cause of action (ejectment cause of action) is not legitimate, and course of conduct not valid is Reign of Terror, insurrection, rebellion and sedition


MY CRIMINAL CASE   CP-40CR-0001850-2019) 
Docket Mj-11105-CR-0000149-2019 /
(this part is for personal referance as I am in trouble
(I went in armed? , so i dont go by Canaan )
i never had any ammo

Numbers 32:30 New International Version
But if they do not cross over with you armed, they must accept their possession with you in Canaan."
New Living Translation
But if they refuse to arm themselves and cross over with you, then they must accept land with the rest of you in the land of Canaan.”
English Standard Version
However, if they will not pass over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.”
Berean Study Bible
But if they do not arm themselves and go across with you, they must accept their possession among you in the land of Canaan.”
New American Standard Bible 
but if they will not cross over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan."
New King James Version
But if they do not cross over armed with you, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.”
King James Bible
But if they will not pass over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan

objection to writ


the federalies did NOT help me with the TRO

twice he (the LT Sherrif Ryan Foy)  put me away, saying i was suicidal by cop
neither time was i suicidal
i dont even think he has the right to shoot me, hello?????
i think i have the right to life and due process
he locked me up ..so HE wouldnt shoot me (as he stole my house and I protected myself)

what else could he have done???

he could have appeared in federal court...when he was summons..and we coulda fought there instead of at my house

it's NO crime for a good person to get a gun

 hospital additonal claims

new ammended complaint

notice of SWORD


brief in opposition to bayview


  •  im so sorry to keep sending you these messages but idk what else to do

    there seems to be  the AMERICAN DREAM.......and the UNITED STATES DREAM

    the american dream for women, is not work and mooch off a man
    like in that TV show  Happy Days.  
    Mrs. Cunningham didnt work, she was private duty hoe / slave to MR. Cunningham.
    lots American men & woman  want that  lifestyle

    I am a United States CItizen
    and I do NOT want that

    I always worked
    but there was that minute that I had a baby and stayed home like Mrs. Cunningham
    so horrible, that i am legit PTSD from what happened to me

    as soon as i became a mom and stayed home
    i lost my ability to buy  phone srvc  ,  car insurance, toilet paper

    mr cunningham happily provided those things for mrs cunningham
    he let her take the car whereever and use the phone to call whoever
    even tho she wasnt paying the bill

    but STephen the Narcissicist  did not treat me like that
    he would not let me use his car or his phone
    he tried to control where i went, and who i talked to

    im  just saying, that american dream was a nightmare
    and im really messed up about it


    so the message from yesterday was

    IF you income changes from $30 an hour to $10 an house
    THEN you can help assistance,  and banks & utilities will lower your bills

    BUT if you income changes from $30 an hour to Maternity leave $0 per hour
    NOBODY will help you

    everybody wants the "american dream":  woman should mooch of a man, 

    which means poor men, have no chance at a family
    its another crime called EUGENICS

    stephen lied to the water company and said my water bill was his
    and he did that for THEIR SAFETY
    so, they in their ignorance would not get shot
    as they carried out an act of war on an american citizen

    steven should be charged with aiding & abetting & giving comfort to the enemy imo


    stephen committed several crimes that night.

    1. harassment,  the only reason he got out of bed was to harass me
    2.  false imprisonment, holding me against my will not letting me out
    3. theft ,  stolen item was found in his car

    Amy Z israeloctavius@gmail.com

    5:12 AM (6 minutes ago)
    to Joanna

    please help me
    stephen is so violent and he is adamant that he shoulda broke my neck that night.

    imagine if you will.
    that ....you own your own house...all by yourself.   (which i did)

    and imagine..if your ex boyfriend stephen      
    came into your private safe place residence

    and held you against your will....to stop you from going to out to see marcus

    imo, people who hold other people hostage are suicidal

    from my understanding of stand your ground
    i can use deadly force on bad people in my own home

    stephen is still unrepentant, and belives  he can come into your safe place private home and hold you hostage and break your neck if you try to date marcus

    please do something about him

    a message from the book of mormon
    helaman 8 3 For behold, Nephi had spoken unto them concerning the corruptness of their law; yea, many things did Nephi speak which cannot be written; and nothing did he speak which was contrary to the commandments of God.

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