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Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Abe Lincoln littletoncoin

Maybe it just means the end of the world as we know it. Because something has to change. Not all of us living on this island of a continent are being taxed. We MOMS lack taxation and representation. We are oppressed. Despite not paying in tax money, some of us vote and give our say in what to do with other peoples money. This is a  socialist disaster. Sin has enslaved the nation. Abe Lincoln got the some of slaves a minimum wage. Some workers, like moms, are still enslaved without a minimum wage. Only strangers can get money to watch the kids. Greed is at & fake news is at the root of the trouble in this country. Dont get me wrong I LOVE MONEY. I am a PCSR. I was an  AGENT, I insured everything you see for money, I even insured money with money. We are BANKERs. Professional Customer Service Reps. some of us are LICENSED. I love buying American money from https://www.littletoncoin.com/shop/ I worked my whole life and now im working as mom fighting for civil rights. Loving money more than God is where the problem comes in. 
Some peoples dogs are living better than some humans. Our complacency with the suffering in this world is annoying and I await the return of our Lord. Apathy doesnt become you.  We believe power resides within us.

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