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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Whose who?

Book of Mormon teams

Lamanites / American Indians * intro page.   / LEADERS

Zerahemnah: The leader of the Lamanites who wanted to make the Nephites their slaves. Captain Moroni defeated Zerahemnah in battle.

Amalickiah: Used treachery and murder to become king of the Lamanites. He stirred up the Lamanites to anger against the Nephites.

19 Now, when Lehonti was dead, the Lamanites appointed Amalickiah to be their leader and their chief commander. 20 And it came to pass that Amalickiah marched with his armies (for he had gained his desires) to the land of Nephi, to the city of Nephi, which was the chief city.
Alma 47 - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Lamoni: The king of the land of Ishmael, which was part of the Lamanite territory. Lamoni's father was the king over all of the Lamanites.

Laman: Ruled in the Land of Lehi-Nephi around 588-559 BC.

Laman2: Ruled in the Land of Lehi-Nephi and was a contemporary of King Zeniff.

The Lamanites had multiple regional kings ruling at the same time.

Nephites / Leaders
The Book of Mormon describes several leaders of the Nephites, including kings, prophets, and military commanders:

A king in the Land of Nephi in 569 BC. Nephi was the son of a prophet named Lehi.

Mosiah I
A Nephite prophet who led the Nephites from the Land of Nephi to the Land of Zarahemla, and was later appointed king.

The last Nephite prophet, historian, and military commander. Moroni led the Nephites in the Zoramite War and the Amalickiahite Wars. He also completed his father's abridgment of the Nephite history, and recorded the writings of Ether and the brother of Jared on gold plates.

A Nephite commander who stepped down when the people became wicked. Mormon agreed to lead the Nephites into battle one last time, but they were destroyed.


People of

Anti nephi lehi  (links to vip wiki)


People of

People of Jared who came from the tower of babel

n the Book of Mormon, the leader of the people of Jared was Coriantumr, a military leader who survived the final battle of the Jaredite civil war.

Here are some other leaders of the people of Jared:

Orihah: The son of Jared and a righteous king

Kib: The son of Orihah and a righteous king

Corihor: The son of Kib who rebelled against his father and took the kingship

Shule: The son of Kib who overthrew Corihor and restored Kib to the throne

Emer: A righteous leader who saw the Lord and lived in peace during his reign

The Book of Ether in the Book of Mormon describes the Jaredites, who were led by God to the Americas after the destruction of the Tower of Babel. The prophet Ether recorded the history of the Jaredites and prophesied that Coriantumr would witness the destruction of his people if they didn't repent.

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